The sex ed you wish you'd had.

What We Do
Who We Are
What We Do
Who We Are
What We Do
Who We Are
What We Do
Who We Are

The sex ed you wish you'd had.

For a world obsessed with sex, we know very little about it.

Hetero- and cis-normative sex education, which teaches little other than the biology of reproduction, has been the norm in the UK for far too long.

Students are leaving school with little to no knowledge of how STIs are transmitted, basic consent practices or correct genital hygiene, let alone how to feel confident in navigating sexual pleasure, alone or with others.

My Body & Yours wants to give young people sex ed that is relevant, positive and empowering.

It’s time to talk about sex.

For a world obsessed with sex, we know very little about it.

Hetero- and cis-normative sex education, which teaches little other than the biology of reproduction, has been the norm in the UK for far too long.

Students are leaving school with little to no knowledge of how STIs are transmitted, basic consent practices or correct genital hygiene, let alone how to feel confident in navigating sexual pleasure, alone or with others.

My Body & Yours wants to give young people sex ed that is relevant, positive and empowering.

It’s time to talk about sex.

For a world obsessed with sex, we know very little about it.

Hetero- and cis-normative sex education, which teaches little other than the biology of reproduction, has been the norm in the UK for far too long.

Students are leaving school with little to no knowledge of how STIs are transmitted, basic consent practices or correct genital hygiene, let alone how to feel confident in navigating sexual pleasure, alone or with others.

My Body & Yours wants to give young people sex ed that is relevant, positive and empowering.

It’s time to talk about sex.

For a world obsessed with sex, we know very little about it.

Hetero- and cis-normative sex education, which teaches little other than the biology of reproduction, has been the norm in the UK for far too long.

Students are leaving school with little to no knowledge of how STIs are transmitted, basic consent practices or correct genital hygiene, let alone how to feel confident in navigating sexual pleasure, alone or with others.

My Body & Yours wants to give young people sex ed that is relevant, positive and empowering.

It’s time to talk about sex.

What We Do

RSE for Young People

We work with schools to provide top-quality RSE to students through engaging and enjoyable workshops.

Teacher Training

We provide teachers with the right tools to deliver effective and inclusive RSE to students of all ages.

LGBTQIA+ Workshops

We help schools, organisations and businesses to implement inclusivity with interactive gender and sexuality training.

Our Values


We want young people to know there’s no shame in enjoying sex. After all, it's why most people do it!


There are so many different bodies, genders & sexualities out there— and we want to represent them all.


We help young people to know they have agency and rights when it comes to sex and relationships. They have the power!


Games, quizzes, drawing… we learn best when we’re having fun. Not when we’re being lectured at by a stranger for an hour straight…


Safeguarding is extremely important to us. We work with your safeguarding protocols to ensure the safest environment for young people.


Young people have a lot of questions, and we want to answer them! As such, we always tailor our learning to the individuals in the room.

Get in Touch

If you would like to book us for a workshop, or just get some more info, then please reach out to us below!

© 2023 My Body & Yours
What We Do
Who We Are
© 2023 My Body & Yours
What We Do
Who We Are
© 2023 My Body & Yours
What We Do
Who We Are